Weekly Lesson Plans

First Major Project, 1st quarter
Genealogy Project 2015-16 
Due September 22                        

Pick either ­ONE of the 200 point projects and the Timeline for 100 points

Make a Family Tree (200 points)
For this part of the assignment, you will make a diagram of your “family tree.”  Please look at my family trees on the bulletin board.  I also will show you some different types of family trees on the whiteboard.  You should use construction paper or poster board for this project, and the minimum size should be approximately 11” X 17“.  This is the size of two pieces of 8 ½ by 11 inch paper.

You must hand print names (do not use computer or typewriter for this).  Use colored markers or pencils.  Dates of births and deaths and locations are required.  Pictures of your ancestors, dates of their marriages and any other information would greatly add to the family tree.  The family connections or relationships must be clear.  If you have ANY questions about how to do this assignment, ask me before you turn it in; after you turn it in will be too late.  The family tree should extend back to at least one great-grandparent.  Include only direct ancestors; do not include brothers, sisters, aunts, uncles, or cousins.

The family tree will be due Tuesday, Sept. 22.  This will be graded on neatness, creativity and content; I will have a grading rubric posted for this.  I hope this project turns out to be something you will be proud to display at home.  If there is any type of problem with this assignment, then talk with me well before the due date.

I understand that all families are different.  All of your family trees will not look the same; some families have experienced divorce, adoptions, deaths and other events.  This will be graded and returned to you; your family tree will not be shared with the class unless you want to.  If you have questions about how to indicate family relationships then please talk with me before doing the family tree.

A variation of this assignment could be done as a PowerPoint presentation.  I would anticipate a minimum of 10 slides.  DO NOT do a PowerPoint unless you have lots of pictures of your ancestors back at least to one great-grandparent; I would expect pictures on every slide of this project.  DO NOT do a PowerPoint unless you have additional information about the ancestors to include in the presentation.  I will show you a PowerPoint example of the minimum I will accept.  Turn in a copy on flash drive or through email.

Essay on an Ancestor (200 points)
For this part of the assignment, you will pick one of your ancestors from your family tree and write a 250-300 word, five-paragraph essay about this person.  You should pick the ancestor that you find the most interesting or one whose life had an important effect, either directly or indirectly, on your life. This ancestor can not be a parent or one of their siblings.  A grandparent or great-grandparent would be ideal.  Ask me if you have questions about this.

I will grade on content, punctuation, grammar, spelling, length, organization and clarity of expression; a grading rubric will be posted for this.  You may use a computer for this assignment, although handwritten is certainly acceptable; if handwritten, it MUST BE in ink on nice, lined paper.  If typed, then use one inch margins and 10 or 12 point type, double spaced.  You may turn in an electronic copy or hard copy of this.  This is due on Tuesday, Sept. 22.

You must include the following minimum information in your ancestor essay
1.  Name, birth/death, relationship to you and to the rest of the family, where the person lived and what they did for a living. 
2.  I want to know how the time in which this person lived differs from 2015. 
3.  Tell me why this ancestor was so interesting or how he/she affected your life; obviously you wouldn’t be here if it weren’t for your ancestor, so don’t say that. 
4.  You must also tell me how you got the information about this ancestor.

Timeline (100 points)
For this part of the assignment you will create a timeline.  You should use the life span of an ancestor from your family tree, such as a parent or grandparent.  Show at least 10 historical milestones that coincide with that person’s life.  For example, events might include WWII, the Vietnam War, Hurricane Katrina, Haiti earthquake, death of Michael Jackson, etc. This may be hand-printed or done on computer.  Check for examples of timelines in the textbook, and I will have examples posted.  This is due Tuesday, Sept 22.